Commitments towards World Humanitarian Summit and Beyond

Commitments towards World Humanitarian Summit and Beyond

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April 30, 2016

Japan CSO Coalition for DRR (JCC-DRR) was established in October 2015 inheriting the achievements at the 3rd UN World Conference on DRR (WCDRR) from Japan CSO Network for 2015 WCDRR (JCC2015). The network aims to contribute to a resilient society with the following activities:

  • Monitoring of the SFDRR: JCC-DRR becomes the focal network on monitoring of implementation of the SFDRR and SDGs, and a constructive discussion platform has been created with the Japanese Government (Cabinet Office) on disaster risk reduction implementation in Japan.
  • Mainstreaming of DRR: On some key thematic areas (e.g. gender, children and youths, disability, environment, etc.), initiatives that mainstream DRR into relevant sectors are conducted, which contribute to the enhancement of the DRR capacity in Japan as a whole.
  • Advocacy: JCC-DRR’s global advocacy on lessons learnt from Japan leads to concrete implementation of risk reduction measures regionally and globally based on the SFDRRR, including risk reduction on nuclear power plants. Also, lessons learnt from Japan as well as progress on the implementation of the SFDRR in Japan are captured in key DRR forums and documents.

JCC-DRR, with the diversity and strength of its members, formed various sub-committees which act as working groups on themes including the 10 Lessons from Fukushima Booklet, Gender and DRR, Sendai Framework Citizens Booklet, Green Infrastructure, and Advocacy groups. The ‘10 Lessons from Fukushima: Reducing risks and protecting communities from nuclear disasters‘ has been translated into 14 languages, and the ‘Citizens’ Sendai Framework for DRR’ was published in March 2015.

The World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) indicates that current humanitarian needs are at its heighest since the second world war, and the ‘Agenda for Humanity’ has been proposed by the Secretary General of the UN, with 5 Core Responsibilities. JCC-DRR would like to make commitments towards Core Responsibility 3, 4, and 5.

Core Responsibility 3: Leave No One Behind

  • Through activities of thematic sub-committees (working groups), enhance understanding of social and physical vulnerabilities to disaster risks, and lead them to further disaster risk reduction activities.
  • Enhance gender and diversity equality/equity awareness, and with experience from Japan, strengthen the understanding that women and people with vulnerabilities should be involved in decision making in order to create a truly resilient society.
  • Proactively nurture leadership within youths through JCC-DRR’s multi-sector, multi-generational activities.

Core Responsibility 4: Change People’s Lives – From Delivering Aid to Ending Need)

  • Promote further innovation forum activities to proactively find solutions to unsolved problems through strengthened multi-sector approach.
  • Involve many others, including awareness of citizens, who are not part of humanitarian/DRR fields by bridging the gap of emergency response and development through a DRR lens.

Core Responsibility 5: Invest in Humanity

  • Enhance disaster risk reduction and advocacy activities through better understanding various natural and man-made risks, and link these to monitoring of SFDRR.
  • Enhance global risk reduction measures on cascading disaster impacts through promotion of lessons learnt from Fukushima.
  • Develop finance schemes to enhance and promote innovation measures in humanitarian and disaster risk reduction challenges.


Japan CSO Coalition for DRR (JCC-DRR)
TEL:03-5292-2911 FAX:03-5292-2912
5th Floor Avaco Building, 2-3-18 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 JAPAN